My Favourite Art Supplies

I love experimenting and you never get bored when you can mix and match paint, tools and mediums. When I discovered mixed media I was sold.


First of all, you dont need to purchase everything in the beginning. It is very easy to go way overboard purchasing art supplies. You need very little to get started, so do not let a limited budget stop you from pursuing your dreams or to develop in to the art world. 


This goes without saying. Paint is essential for painting 👩‍🎨🤷😂

Always, even if you are a beginner, use quality paint. If you buy quality paint you get more pigments in the painting and you get better results. Arrest me if I am wrong.. 

There are a lot of good brands. I use the most;

Amsterdam also has these really nice sets of different colors that gives you the opportunity to try many different colors - and are so nice if you are traveling!



Brushes... are you a beginner, start with brushes you already have from painting a wall for ex. You can also use a cloth, a scrubsponge or even your fingers. If you want to know my absolute favourite brushes - take a look at this from Liquitex

I really love to use pallet knives . I use them for markmaking, scratching, painting, layering - actually I use them all the time. 

I also love my catalyst wedge - I have had mine for more than a decade! Essential for layering! You can also get a set with 6 different ones if you want to treat yourself!


Color wheel


In every artists life there should be a COLOR WHEEL! 

You can grab your free copy here, but if you have been painting for more than half an hour, you should invest in a colorwheel. 

I have two. I use this on a daily basis because it gives me so much information about color mixing and color combinations. 

Then I have the “foolproof color wheel set” - with 10 discs for color choices and selection. 

Especially for beginners this is sooo good!





My fav medium supplier definitely is Powertex. If you live in Norway, you can find your Powertex here. Worldwide - you can find your supplier here

To make structure in your paintings, the best thing to use is Easy structure and also 3D sand is my big love. To make crackles I love using Universal medium and Easy 3D flex.  


Mark making supplies


I love Posca markers - you probably have seen me use these lots of times. I use them to do marks when I begin a painting, during a painting. Posca clearly is my go to for signing paintings. I have them in lots of different colors and sizes. Choose your favourite, but never use it on top of wet paint! 


I also love to use Sennelier both soft pastel pens and oil pastels

Get more tips and tricks from me 


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